Дата добавления: 2017-10-02
Продолжительность mp3: 03:23
Смотрели: 158
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Yeah Yo, you were that foundation/never gonna be another one, no. I followed, so taken, so conditioned, I could never let go. Then sorrow, then sickness, then the shock when you flip it on me So hollow, so vicious, so afraid I couldnt let myself see. That I could never be held, back or up, no, I hold myself. Check the rep, yep, you know my wealth./ Forget the rest, let them know my hell. There and back, yet my soul aint sell./ Kept respect of the best, they fell. Let the rest be the tale they tell, and I was there saying In these promises broken/deep below Each word gets lost in the echo. So one last lie I can see through. This time I finally let you go. Test my will, test my heart. Let me tell you how the odds gonna stack up. Yall go hard? I go smart. Hows that working out for yall in the back, huh? Ive seen that frustration, big cross, aloft, I dont know. And Ive come back unshaken, let down, and live and let go. So you can let it be known, I dont hold back, I hold my own. I cant be matched, I can't be cloned./I cant C-Flat, it aint my tone. I cant fall back, I came too far. Hold myself up and earned my scars. Let the bells ring where ever they are, cause I was there saying In these promises broken/deep below Each word gets lost in the echo. So one last lie I can see through. This time I finally let you go. No, you can tell em all now. I dont back up, I dont back down. I dont fold up and I dont bow. I dont roll over, dont know how. I dont care where the enemies are. Cant be stopped, all I know, go hard. Wont forget how I got this far and every time saying In these promises broken/deep below Each word gets lost in the echo. So one last lie I can see through. This time I finally let you go.
7 лет назад
3.49 MB
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