Дата добавления: 2017-08-27
Продолжительность mp3: 03:10
Смотрели: 338
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Ill Bill They killed my entire family, murdered and tortured, raped and pillaged I was only five and I was the only survivor witness My entire village burnt to the ground, he wore a serpent in his crown While happily committing murder with a frown And an army of black hooded fiery skulled generals And a sorcerer that could cast spells that'd change your genitals Held me in slavery 'til I turned eighteen Killed my slave master five years later, became King And I slain dragons and ate steaks during famine Had the seeds of war planted in the dirty tavern Had the seeds of presidents killed in a burst of anger And had their parents bleed to death on the floor of a dirty bathroom I watched the palaces burn And seen the ashes of my comrades return to their family in an urn While the proud child remembers his father that died The cycle continues with vengeance, alive in his mind Chorus Max Cavalera Refuse, resist, war is my destiny, Disorder, unleashed, war is my destiny, Chaos A.D, war is my destiny, Under a pale grey sky, war is my destiny, Immortal Technique Yeah, yeah... I was an angel before a third of the stars fell, Cast with the sternum from satan into the pit of hell, Our beloved leader forced to be a bottom feeder, The great deceiver that promised victory over the monkey lovers, We took a vulturous structure and traitor, fell upon 'em, We ripped his skin off and crowned a new son in the morning, A new president to lead our corporation, The vengeance on god and heavens domination, But I seduced the daughters of man and made the nephilim, I demanded human sacrifice from the rest of 'em, I became the spirit that tortured and protected 'em, And I built them the tower of language that connected 'em, And then the lord cried, water falling out from his eyes, And my children died drowning in the tears from the sky, And it was then that satan crawled back to me wit
Наш питомник расположен в Центрально-Черноземном районе России в 500 километрах от Москвы в Рамонском районе Воронежской области на берегу живописной реки Воронеж. Мы занимаемся разведением породы Тибетский Мастиф только чистых китайских кровей. Все собаки родом из провинций Китая из именитых питомников. В питомнике «Лайон Хат» вы встретите только чистопородных Тибетских Мастифов различных китайских линий. Просмотры: 6316 Лайки: 0 Комменты: 0 Длительность: 09:54
Наш канал на YouTube набирает обороты - присоединяйтесь к числу подписчиков. Свежие клипы, самая новая музыка здесь. ... Обязательно пишите комментарии, делитесь с друзьями, ставьте лайки, подписывайтесь на наш канал! Просмотры: 5169 Лайки: 0 Комменты: 0 Длительность: 03:44
Mysterious song by unknown artist. Might have a title: "Free", "I'm Free", "Sometimes", "Field of Dreams" etc. And that's just fine with me 'cause I'm Free... Who sings it? Просмотры: 4872 Лайки: 1 Комменты: 0 Длительность: 04:29
Песня Натали "Как сладко быть мамой" Слайд-шоу на заказ tanya.dmtr@mail.ru Просмотры: 4689 Лайки: 7 Комменты: 0 Длительность: 01:29