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Subtitles in description Former correspondent in Moscow and author of new book titlet "I, Putin" is asked on Danish television straight out if The Vest should accept the will of the people in unrecognized elections in DNR Interview on election day in LNR and DNR, November 2nd 2014. ---- 0:00:00.000,0:00:03.700 [Speaking hypothetically] So if we say [accept] it's in Russia's interest to say: 0:00:03.880,0:00:09.100 "we recognize and consider you [DNR] are holding this election" as one of the few [countries] 0:00:09.120,0:00:15.460 But if we look at the citizens - and I sometimes think we have a tendency to forget the citizens - the people 0:00:15.640,0:00:20.140 If the is a majority who wants to be a part of Russia [Goal of "pro-Russian separatists" in Danish media] 0:00:20.140,0:00:25.620 Is it not somewhat more "democratic" - because they didn't vote - at least not a lot of them 0:00:25.980,0:00:29.260 In the recent Ukranian parliament election 0:00:29.300,0:00:35.800 So what ... well... don't we risk deepening the ditch [Danish saying meaning moving away from compromize] 0:00:35.800,0:00:39.640 between the Eastern Ukrainians and the rest of the country if we just reject this election? 0:00:39.640,0:00:45.120 No.. well. Of course it's always the civilians who are caught in conflicts of this kind 0:00:45.120,0:00:48.480 and they're held as a kind of hostages. 0:00:48.480,0:00:53.020 But to hold an election is not in itself any guarantee that it's a democratic election 0:00:53.020,0:00:57.160 because we don't know what they can choose from 0:00:58.940,0:01:00.940 who it is - sorry 0:01:01.040,0:01:03.040 who they can vote for 0:01:03.040,0:01:05.680 and this is the dilemma. 0:01:05.680,0:01:08.380 that it is a part of a game 0:01:08.560,0:01:11.320 a political game and with a clear goal 0:01:11.320,0:01:16.380 For example - maybe we have not heard much about this - 0:01:16.380,0:01:20.960 but I have seen this on the Russian and Ukrainian social media - that these humanitarian aid convoys 0:01:20.960,0:01:24.040 they are now driving [arriving / delivering ] on a daily basis 0:01:24.040,0:01:27.600 and the other day ... there was a 0:01:27.600,0:01:33.440 convoy, a 1 kilometer long convoy of military vehicles driving through Donetsk 0:01:34.000,0:01:37.560 Russian military vehicles with weapons. 0:01:38.140,0:01:42.880 So there is something happening that we don't hear much about 0:01:42.880,0:01:46.740 and clearly .. ehh .. the people as they say: "as long as there will be peace" 0:01:47.360,0:01:51.760 this is the most important issue for them because it's over 4,000 people 0:01:51.760,0:01:58.300 or around 4,000 people who has perished in a couple of months - both civilians and among soldiers 0:01:58.300,0:02:04.600 so it is significant looses, it serious, it is deadly serious 0:02:04.600,0:02:10.100 so it could [hypothetically] be a point to say "as long as there will be peace". 0:02:10.100,0:02:13.040 What we must say from the outside [of the conflict as objective spectators] is 0:02:13.080,0:02:16.300 "What terms are this happening under?" And I would say that 0:02:16.300,0:02:20.840 since none of the international organizations have approved 0:02:21.260,0:02:25.720 it is tainted, it is questionable and it's part of a completely other plan 0:02:25.720,0:02:29.620 than just creating a democratic rule and a democratic election. 0:02:30.460,0:02:32.460 Thank you

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